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What do you mean – design my life?

DesignyourlifeDesign It in advance…..

instead of letting things "just happen" to you.

Instead of "I'd love to go to Egypt one day and see the pyramids"……. work out WHEN you'd like to go, WHAT you'd like to do while you're there, and then – HOW MUCH it will cost.

So HOW LONG will it take you to save up for that trip?  Of course, that will affect the WHEN.

And that's how you do it.   Really simple.

There is never the need for "I can't afford".

If you do some of that planning kind of thinking, and then have little motivation to save, then that really means you don't want it that much – so it's really an issue of priority.  (It's good to get clear on the REAL REASON sometimes.)

I reckon that for the relatively short space of time that we're here on this planet, we might as well have the BEST LIFE we possibly can. It's just a matter of being motivated to be a conscious LIFE DESIGNER

Yes there is a catch!  If there wasn't, everyone would be doing it

You have to take the time and energy to do the dreaming, defining, and planning.   Just a few days a year really – and it is soooooooo worth it!

Click below to see one handy tool – and it's FREE!


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